In 1998, Larry McMurtry was sitting on a writer's panel at a fledgling film festival in Fort Worth, TX. Someone had asked him what it takes to become a writer. McMurtry, in is plain, almost murmur of a humble voice, said something like this:
“All a writer needs is a ream of paper and ink in a small room.”
After nearly two-decades, that truth relayed by Larry McMurtry (if only captured in essence) has proven to be profound.
In a world consumed by workshops and seminars and how-to's that all seem betrothed to a "look at me" generation, does anyone remember what it means to simply tell a story well? The primary requirement is to routinely place one's backside in a chair.
Stories do not require high powered graphics engines (CGI), nor thousands of lines of resolution, nor expensive crews, exotic locations, ego-driven starlets, nor horn-dogged deep pockets financing them. All of these millions of dollars can be manifest almost effortlessly out of thin air with a writer's tax-free possession of IMAGINATION.
The worthlings are a loose-knit group of writers (some published, some not) who intermittently convene to discuss ideas, sift through dirt, pan for gold in the here and now, and generally encourage one another along the journey of writing well: stories worth telling.
Though they may go by many names: The Tinklings, The Texlings, The Fortlings, or The Worthlings - the latter has been chosen for the digital foot print.
Our Story
Our story is quite possibly your story as well.
If you enjoy reading, if you enjoy writing, if you would like to figure out how to do more of one or the other, then join us on this journey: the worthlings
“Not all who wander are lost.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien